Home » Getting Started » Setup Wizard

Setup Wizard

Now that you’ve activated EasyCommerce on your WordPress website, let’s set up a few fundamental things for your store using the setup wizard. 

The EasyCommerce setup wizard includes three easy steps to help create an online store in an instant. In this guide, we will go through each step in detail below to help you get started with your ecommerce store.


You will be greeted with the Brand section once you’re redirected to the setup wizard. Enter your store’s brand information from this section. Enter the store’s name, choose a category of products that you will sell, and upload/select the logo of your store from your media library. 

Once you’re done, click the Next button to move on to the Store section of the setup wizard. 


You can set up some essential information about your store from this section. 

To begin, select the currency you want to use in your store and select the payment methods you want to enable. 

To get more payment options, check out our documentation on Payment Gateways

For the Pages section, you can choose pre-created pages to assign roles like Shop, Checkout, Customer Dashboard, etc.  

Alternatively, you can also select Create New Page to let EasyCommerce automatically create new pages with the relevant Shortcode assigned. Once you’re done, click the Next button to move on to the Account section of the setup wizard. 


This section will help you connect with the EasyCommerce server. Simply enter your full name and email address here. 

You will receive an email with an API token, which you can use to complete your integration with EasyCommerce. Once you’re done, click the Next button to finish your setup wizard journey. 

Congratulations, your EasyCommerce store is done setting up! 

How to use your API token for EasyCommerce

To apply your API key, click the Go to Store button and find the account icon from the top right corner. 

Click the ‘Yes, I have an API key’ button, enter your email and the token you’ve already received, and hit the ‘Verify’ button to instantly connect with EasyCommerce.

To disconnect from EasyCommerce, simply hover over the account icon and click Disconnect.

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